Download L.A. mayoral election data

    The Times releases machine-readable results and maps for all mayoral elections since 2001

    Ben Welsh Los Angeles Times
    NEVER AGAIN: Reporting out last week's mayoral election required our team to dig through papers records like this one. Let us save you the trouble.

    Last week, Los Angeles elec­ted a new may­or. In the pro­cess of cov­er­ing of the race these past few months, The Data Desk as­sembled a vari­ety of data sets about may­or­al elec­tions, both past and present.

    We’ve already re­leased some of it. Today, we are put­ting out much more with the hope that it will save someone some­where some hassle in the fu­ture.

    Cur­rently it’s a bit of a pain to map out may­or­al res­ults as we did here. The data files that break down the vote for each pre­cinct are pub­lished in an odd format. The map files that plot out each pre­cinct’s shape must be pur­chased on a com­pact disc at $20 per elec­tion. Once you have the files, you still need to merge them to­geth­er to make a map.

    So let us be the last ones to do it.

    Down­load the data

    For each elec­tion, we are re­leas­ing three files. First, a SHP map file that in­cludes both the shape of each pre­cinct as well as the res­ults for each can­did­ate. Second, a GeoJSON map file with the same. Third, a CSV file with the res­ults for each pre­cinct but without a map.

    Elec­tion Maps Res­ults
    2013 run­off SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2013 primary SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2009 primary SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2005 run­off* SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2005 primary* SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2001 run­off* SHP, GeoJSON CSV
    2001 primary* SHP, GeoJSON CSV

    * Vote-by-mail bal­lots not in­cluded in pre­cinct totals be­cause no rule re­quired it at the time.

    Much re­spect due

    While a bit of a pain to ac­quire and wrangle, none of this data would ex­ist without the work of the pub­lic ser­vants at the Los Angeles City Clerk’s of­fice. Thanks to them.

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